# YASARA MACRO # TOPIC: 5. Structure prediction # TITLE: Rescore ligand poses with an energy minimization and local docking # REQUIRES: Structure # AUTHOR: Elmar Krieger # LICENSE: GPL # DESCRIPTION: This macro loads a receptor-ligand complex obtained with YASARA's own docking macros or other software, energy-minimizes each ligand pose and rescores it using AutoDock VINA's local search, confined closely to the original ligand pose. # Parameter section - adjust as needed, but NOTE that some changes only take effect # if you start an entirely new docking job, not if you continue an existing one. # ================================================================================= # You can either set the target structure by clicking on Options > Macro > Set target, # by providing it as command line argument (see docs at Essentials > The command line), # or by uncommenting the line below and specifying it directly. #MacroTarget '/home/myname/projects/docking/1sdf' # Docking method, either VINALS or AutoDockLS. method='VINALS' # Number of local docking runs per ligand (maximally 999, 0 lets YASARA choose based on the number of CPUs) runs=0 # Sort results either by ligand number ('ligandnum'), binding energy ('bindnrg') or by # efficiency ('effi'), i.e. binding energy per heavy atom, which addresses the bias towards # larger ligands in screening. sortby='bindnrg' # Force field used to determine which ligand bonds can rotate, and also point charges if method='AutoDockLS' forcefield='AMBER03' # Selection of receptor atoms that are free to move during the minimization of each ligand pose. # By default, only polar hydrogens are allowed to reorient. recminsel='Element H with bond to Element N O P S' # Alternatively, let all receptor side-chains move instead. Note that the more receptor atoms move, the better the # ligand will bind. But since the energetic cost of the receptor's structural change is not considered in AutoDock's # scoring function, moving receptor atoms may add noise instead of prediction accuracy. #recminsel='Sidechain' # Alternatively, let the entire receptor move. # scoring function, #recminsel='All' Clear # See if we are rescoring a previous normal YASARA docking run scefilename='(MacroTarget).sce' exists = FileSize (scefilename) if exists # Use YASARA docking scene LoadSce (scefilename) receptor = ListObj Receptor ligandlist() = SplitObj Ligand else # No, see if user provided a complex of receptor with ligands for type in 'yob','pdb' filename='(MacroTarget).(type)' exists = FileSize (filename) if exists receptor = Load(type) (filename) break if !exists RaiseError 'Could neither find a YASARA scene (scefilename) from a previous docking, nor a complex in PDB or YOb format to import [e.g. (filename)]' # Check molecule names recmolname = NameMol Atom 1 ligmolname = NameMol Atom (Atoms) if recmolname==ligmolname RaiseError 'The receptor and ligand poses share the same molecule name (recmolname), please click Edit > Name > Molecule and rename either of them' # Split the ligands into separate objects ligandlist() = SplitObj (receptor),Center=No,(ligmolname) # Delete the first element of ligandlist (i.e. the receptor object) DelVar ligandlist1 ligands = count ligandlist # Check that ligands are present if !ligands RaiseError 'No ligand poses found' if !runs # For an optimum speed/accuracy tradeoff, we select at least 8 runs, but more if CPUs are available cpus = Processors runs=cpus while runs<8 runs=runs+cpus # Rename objects to make sure they can be identified later, ligands are 'Waiting' to be docked. NameObj (receptor),Receptor NameObj (join ligandlist),Waiting RemoveObj (join ligandlist) # Do we have a checkpoint file from a previous run? checkpointfilename='(MacroTarget)_checkpoint.sce' restarted = FileSize (checkpointfilename) if restarted LoadSce (checkpointfilename) Console Off # Cycle through them for i=1 to ligands segname = PoseSegName (i) ligand=ligandlist(i) ligname = NameObj (ligand) if ligname=='Done' or ligname=='Broken' continue AddObj (ligand) # Create a duplicate of the receptor to minimize (so that each minimization starts with the same receptor) recdupli = DuplicateObj (receptor) RemoveObj (receptor) recflex = ListObj RecepFlex if recflex # Flexible side-chains are present, transfer atom positions from recflex to recdupli. # Note that we need to use atom names in PDB format so that equivalent hydrogens are numbered namelist() = ListAtom Segment (segname) Obj (recflex),Format="PDB ATOMNAMEPDB Res RESNAME RESNUM Mol MOLNAME" poslist() = PosAtom Segment (segname) Obj (recflex) for j=1 to count namelist # Find the corresponding atom in the receptor duplicate atomlist() = ListAtom (namelist(j)) Obj (recdupli) if count atomlist!=1 RaiseError 'Flexible side-chains in object (recflex) do not match the receptor object (recdupli), atom (namelist(j)) is present (count atomlist) times' # Transfer the position, not that non-polar hydrogens are ignored, will be handled by energy minimization PosAtom (atomlist1),(poslist(j*3-2)),(poslist(j*3-1)),(poslist(j*3)) RemoveObj (recflex) # Energy-minimize the ligand and surrounding polar hydrogens FixObj (recdupli) FreeAtom (recminsel) Cell Auto,Extension=10 ForceField NOVA,SetPar=Yes Boundary Periodic ShowMessage 'Energy-minimizing ligand (i)/(ligands)...' Experiment Minimization Experiment On Wait ExpEnd # Rotate the cell back to default orientation alpha,beta,gamma = OriObj SimCell Rotate Y=(-beta) Rotate Z=(-gamma) Rotate X=(-alpha) # Use quick local docking to rescore the ligand ShowMessage 'Rescoring (i)/(ligands) with local docking...' # Create a cell tightly around the ligand by orienting the ligand along its major axes Cell Auto,Extension=2.5,Shape=Cuboid,Obj (ligand) Boundary Wall # Perform the docking with local sampling FreeObj (recdupli) ForceField (forcefield),SetPar=Yes Experiment Docking Method (method) ReceptorObj (recdupli) LigandObj (ligand) Runs (runs) # We only want a single result, the best complex ClusterRMSD 1000 # Result file number must be separated with '_', in case MacroTarget also ends with number # If PDB files are needed too, replace .yob with .pdb to get both ResultFile (MacroTarget)_rescored_(000+i).yob Experiment On Wait ExpEnd # Keep only the top scoring ligand pose DelMol Segment !C001 Obj (ligand) # Assign segment name for dock_play macro. SegObj (ligand),(segname) # Done, save checkpoint file NameObj (ligand),Done RemoveObj (ligand) # Bring back the original receptor for the next round DelObj (recdupli) AddObj (receptor) if recflex AddObj (recflex) SaveSce (checkpointfilename) # Join the ligands to a single object AddObj (join ligandlist) JoinObj (join ligandlist),(ligandlist1) NameObj (ligandlist1),Ligand # Save the result scene for use by the dock_play macro DelObj SimCell SaveSce (MacroTarget)_rescored # Save a log file with an analysis RecordLog (MacroTarget)_rescored AddObj all print 'Ligand rescoring result' print '=======================' print print '(ligands) ligand poses were rescored with an energy minimization followed by (runs) local docking runs each.' print 'The following results were obtained sorted by binding energy:' print '[More positive energies indicate stronger binding, and negative energies mean no binding].' print print "Lig.|Effi[kcal/(mol*Atom)]|Bind.energy[kcal/mol]|Dissoc. constant [pM]| Name | Contacting receptor residues" print '----+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+------+-----------------------------' idx=1 for i=1 to ligands segname = PoseSegName (i) resultlist(idx),bindnrglist(idx),effilist(idx) = DockingResult i,'Obj (receptor)','Segment (segname) Obj (ligandlist1)' idx=idx+1 if !(i%5) ShowMessage 'Analyzing docking results, (100*i/ligands)% completed...' Wait 1 if sortby!='ligandnum' # Sort results by binding energy or binding efficiency SortResults 'resultlist','(sortby)list' for i=1 to count resultlist print (resultlist(i)) print rndseed = RandomSeed print 'The random seed used during docking was (rndseed).' print 'Point charges and dihedral barriers were obtained from the (forcefield) force field.' StopLog HideMessage Console On # Exit YASARA if this macro was provided as command line argument in console mode and not included from another macro if runWithMacro and ConsoleMode and !IndentationLevel Exit # EXTRACT DOCKING RESULT # ====================== # Returns a result string and binding energy, extracted from atomic BFactor and Property. # 'num' is a sequential number, 'recsel' selects the receptor, 'ligsel' the ligand. def DockingResult num,recsel,ligsel # Get the binding energy from the B-factor... bindnrg = BFactorAtom (ligsel) # ...and the dissociation constant from the atomic property. dissconst = PropAtom (ligsel) if bindnrg<=0 dissconst=' None' else dissconst= 00000000000000.0000+dissconst # Get compound name compound = CompoundMol (ligsel) if compound=='' compound = NameRes (ligsel) compound=compound+' ' # Get receptor residues that contact the ligand reslist() = ListRes (recsel) with distance<4.0 from (ligsel),Format='MOLNAME RESNAME RESNUM' if bindnrg<=-9999 reslist='Broken molecule, no docking possible' elif !count reslist reslist='No residues in contact' else reslist=join reslist # Calculate ligand efficiency, i.e. binding energy divided by heavy atoms heavyatoms = CountAtom Element !H (ligsel) effi = bindnrg/heavyatoms result='(0000+num)| (000000.0000+effi) | (000000.0000+bindnrg) | (dissconst) | (compound) | (reslist)' return result,bindnrg,effi # SORT KEYLIST BY VALUES, HIGHEST FIRST # ===================================== # Lists are passed by reference, see Yanaconda doc section 'Calls to user-defined functions..' def SortResults keylist,vallist caller (keylist),(vallist) elements=count (keylist) do sorted=1 for i=1 to elements-1 if (vallist)(i)<(vallist)(i+1) swap=(vallist)(i) (vallist)(i)=(vallist)(i+1) (vallist)(i+1)=swap swap=(keylist)(i) (keylist)(i)=(keylist)(i+1) (keylist)(i+1)=swap sorted=0 while not sorted # DETERMINE LIGAND POSE SEGMENT NAME # ================================== def PoseSegName number if number<1000 name='C(000+number)' else name='(0000+number)' return name