# YASARA MACRO # TOPIC: 3. Molecular Dynamics # TITLE: Analyzing the ligand binding energy during a molecular dynamics simulation # REQUIRES: Dynamics # AUTHOR: Elmar Krieger # LICENSE: GPL # DESCRIPTION: This macro calculates the binding energy of a ligand during a molecular dynamics simulation, including the time average. If you didn't use AMBER14 for the MD, adapt the ForceField setting below for consistency. By default, the receptor must be object 1, the ligand must be object 2 (or change the settings). More positive energies indicate better binding, negative energies DO NOT indicate no binding, see the 'BindEnergy' command in the user manual for details, also for words of caution, a much more sophisticated approach is in preparation. # The structure to analyze must be present with a .sce extension. # You can either set the target structure by clicking on Options > Macro > Set target, # by providing it as command line argument (see docs at Essentials > The command line), # or by uncommenting the line below and specifying it directly. # MacroTarget '/home/myprojects/1h8a/1h8a' # Forcefield to use (these are all YASARA commands, so no '=' used) # Use YASARA2 in YASARA Structure to include a quality Z-score ForceField AMBER14,SetPar=Yes # Set the object numbers of receptor and ligand for binding energy calculation. # If the ligand is not in a separate object, set ligobj also to 1 and specify # the ligand residue with 'ligres' further below: recobj=1 ligobj=2 # If the ligand is part of the receptor object, specify its residue ID(s), # e.g. ligres='ATP 301' for a single residue ATP, ligres='ATP 301 Mol A' if the ligand ATP 301 is # present multiple times in an oligomer to choose only the one in molecule A, or # ligres='Thr 32-Ala 35' for a peptide, or ligres='Mol C' if the ligand has a unique molecule name C. ligres='' # First snapshot to be analyzed, increase number to ignore an equilibration period. firstsnapshot=0 # Choose method for solvation energies, either boundary elements ('BoundaryFast') or Poisson-Boltzmann ('PBS'). # In the latter case you get almost 'MM/PBSA', just without the entropy term from normal mode analysis. # When comparing with other MM/PBSA calculations, make sure to use the same 'surfcost' below. # Note that MM/PBSA requires a cuboid cell and does not work with dodecahedral/triclinic cells. solvmethod='BoundaryFast' # Choose docking method to calculate binding energy, either 'None', 'VINALS' (VINA local search) or # 'VINASO' (VINA Score Only, not recommended since a minimization should be done before energy calculation) # Note that VINA fails if the ligand is too large, use this only with small-molecule ligands. dockmethod='None' # Temperature to use if method='PBS' above, 'BoundaryFast' is not temperature-dependent. Temp 298K # This is a guesstimate of the entropic cost of exposing one A^2 to the solvent in kJ/mol # (The water molecules in the first solvent shell have to reorganize and lose # conformational freedom, which decreases their entropy and thus costs energy. # The value below does not include VdW interaction energies and is thus larger # than e.g. the 0.03 kJ/(mol*A^2) sometimes mentioned in textbooks). # We divide by 6.02214199e20 to obtain J and multiply with JToUnit # to get the currently selected energy unit surfcost=(0.65e0/6.02214199e20)*JToUnit # No change required below this point # =================================== RequireVersion 18.11.10 # Do we have a target? if MacroTarget=='' RaiseError "This macro requires a target. Either edit the macro file or click Options > Macro > Set target to choose a target structure" Clear Console Off # Water will be removed, don't warn about missing water PressureCtrl off # Ensure that the surface resolution is high enough for solvation calculations SurfPar Resolution=3,Molecular=Numeric # Load scene with water or other solvent waterscene = FileSize (MacroTarget)_water.sce solventscene = FileSize (MacroTarget)_solvent.sce if waterscene LoadSce (MacroTarget)_water elif solventscene LoadSce (MacroTarget)_solvent else RaiseError 'Could not find initial scene file (MacroTarget)_water.sce. You must run a simulation with the macro md_run first' bnd=Boundary # Check that recobj and ligobj are OK objlist() = ListObj all for type in 'rec','lig' if (type)obj not in objlist RaiseError '(type)obj is currently set to ((type)obj), but this object is not defined, please adapt the (type)obj setting in this macro as described in the manual' objatoms = CountAtom Obj ((type)obj) if !objatoms RaiseError '(type)obj is currently set to ((type)obj), but this object does not contain any atoms, please adapt the (type)obj setting in this macro as described in the manual' # Check if cell needs to be changed from triclinic to cuboid to run a Poisson-Boltzmann calculation cellchanged=0 cellinfo() = Cell if solvmethod=='PBS' and (cellinfo(3)!=90 or cellinfo(4)!=90 or cellinfo(5)!=90) cellchanged=1 cellpos() = PosObj SimCell # Look for membrane memobjects = CountObj Membrane if memobjects>1 RaiseError 'Found (memobjects) membrane objects while at most one was expected' if ligres!='' # Ligand is part of receptor object and needs to be extracted, perform consistency checks ligresidues = CountRes (ligres) if ligresidues==0 RaiseError 'No ligand residues matching (ligres) were found' # Make sure that the object is chosen correctly if ligobj!=recobj or recobj!=1 RaiseError 'If a ligand residue is selected, ligand and receptor must both be in object 1, please set recobj and ligobj to 1' if Objects!=3+memobjects RaiseError 'The scene must contain 3-4 objects: Receptor/Ligand, SimCell, Membrane [optionally] and Water. Try to join the extra objects to the receptor' # Check that it's a single continuous selection ligatoms = CountAtom Res (ligres) first,last = SpanAtom Res (ligres) if last-first+1!=ligatoms ListRes (ligres) RaiseError 'The selection (ligres) matches (ligatoms) atoms, but these are not continuous in the soup, ranging from atom (first) to (last) instead' # Make sure the ligand is not covalently bound boundatoms = CountAtom not Res (ligres) with bond to Res (ligres) if boundatoms RaiseError 'The ligand residue (ligres) is bound to (boundatoms) other atoms, YASARA cannot calculate binding energies of covalently bound ligands' # Extract ligand residues splitpoints=''+first if last+1<=Atoms splitpoints=splitpoints+' (last+1)' SplitAtom (splitpoints) objlist() = SplitObj (recobj),Center=Yes,Atom (splitpoints),Keep=AtomNum # Don't use ligobj=2, a user once accidentally changed it with a global replace ligobj=ligobj+1 if count objlist==3 # The receptor contains atoms after the ligand, treat these as being part of the receptor. # We cannot join, since the atom order in the soup must stay the same recobj='(recobj) (objlist3)' elif ligobj==recobj RaiseError 'Both recobj and ligobj are set to (ligobj), but the ligand residue selection ligres is empty. Please correct it' ShowMessage "Preparing analysis, please wait..." Wait 1 # Create a table with 8 or 9 columns, depending on dockmethod columns=8 if dockmethod!='None' columns=9 MakeTab Final,Dimensions=2,Columns=(columns) # Determine trajectory format for format in 'xtc','mdcrd','sim' found = FileSize (MacroTarget).(format) if found break i=00000+firstsnapshot emin=1e99 last=0 while !last # Load next snapshot from SIM, XTC or MDCRD trajectory if format=='sim' sim = FileSize (MacroTarget)(i).sim if not sim break LoadSim (MacroTarget)(i) else # Set last (end of file) to 1 if last snapshot loaded last = Load(format) (MacroTarget),(i+1) Sim Pause # Add time in picoseconds to table simtime = Time ShowMessage 'Analyzing snapshot (0+i) at (0+(simtime/1000)) ps' Wait 1 for type in 'cmp','rec','lig' # Keep only the relevant objects if type=='cmp' RemoveObj not (recobj) (ligobj) if cellchanged # Choose a cuboid cell for Poisson-Boltzmann Cell Auto,Extension=15 else RemoveObj not ((type)obj) # Energies are calculated with net-charge 0 to avoid overestimation of net-charge # effects when comparing binding energies of molecules with different charges. ChargeObj all,0 # Start a simulation so that receptor and ligand are transferred into the coordinate # system of the simulation cell and the surface area is not simply the sum of both. Sim on epot(type) = Energy # Note that the PBS method does not calculate VdW solvation energies, these are returned as '0'. esolcoulomb,esolvdw = SolvEnergy (solvmethod) molsurf = Surf molecular esol(type)=esolcoulomb+esolvdw+molsurf*surfcost print 'epot(type)=(epot(type)), (esolcoulomb),(esolvdw),surfcost=(molsurf*surfcost), esol(type)=(esol(type)), total=(epot(type)+esol(type))' AddObj all # Restore original cell position, shape will be set by LoadSim PosObj SimCell,(cellpos) # Calculate result: energy of separated compounds - energy of complex Tabulate (simtime/1000),(epotrec+esolrec+epotlig+esollig-epotcmp-esolcmp),(epotrec),(esolrec),(epotlig),(esollig),(epotcmp),(esolcmp) if dockmethod!='None' # Additionally calculate the binding energy with a docking method. dockrecobj=recobj if type recobj==type '' # Receptor consists of two fragment objects, because it contained atoms after the ligand, created a joined object for docking dockrecobj,tailobj=DuplicateObj (recobj) JoinObj (tailobj),(dockrecobj) # Perform docking Experiment Docking Method (dockmethod) ReceptorObj (dockrecobj) LigandObj (ligobj) Runs 1 ClusterRMSD 5 ResultFile (MacroTarget)_docking_001.yob Experiment On Wait ExpEnd # Get the binding energy from the B-factor and convert from kcal/mol to J and on to current EnergyUnit ebind=BFactorObj (ligobj) Tabulate (ebind*4184./AvoConst*JToUnit) # Delete duplicated receptor object (!=recobj) DelObj (dockrecobj) and not (recobj) # Docking changes boundary to wall Boundary (bnd) # Next snapshot i=i+1 if i==firstsnapshot RaiseError "This macro is meant to analyze a molecular dynamics trajectory created with md_run, but none was found in this directory" # Tabulate average binding energy Tabulate 'Average' vallist() = Tab Final,Column=2 Tabulate (mean vallist) if dockmethod!='None' # Tabulate average docking energy vallist() = Tab Final,Column=9 Tabulate '','','','','','',(mean vallist) # Create a table header header='____Time[ps]__BindEnergy= EpotRecept+ EsolvRecept+ EpotLigand+ EsolvLigand- EpotComplex- EsolvComplex ' if dockmethod!='None' header=header+'______(dockmethod) ' header=header+'[(EnergyUnit)]' SaveTab Final,(MacroTarget)_bindenergy,Format=Text,Columns=(columns),NumFormat=12.3f,'(header)' HideMessage # Exit YASARA if this macro was provided as command line argument in console mode and not included from another macro if runWithMacro and ConsoleMode and !IndentationLevel Exit