# YASARA MACRO # TOPIC: 3. Molecular Dynamics # TITLE: Running a molecular dynamics simulation of an adsorbate on a metal surface with normal or fast speed # REQUIRES: Dynamics # AUTHOR: Elmar Krieger & Kornel Ozvoldik # LICENSE: GPL # DESCRIPTION: This macro sets up and runs a simulation of a molecule's adsorption on a face-centered cubic metal surface # Parameter section - adjust as needed, but NOTE that some changes only take # effect if you start an entirely new simulation, not if you continue an existing one. # ==================================================================================== # The structure to simulate must be present with a .pdb or .sce extension. # If a .sce (=YASARA scene) file is present, the metal surface and cell must have been added. # You can either set the target structure by clicking on Options > Macro > Set target, # by providing it as command line argument (see docs at Essentials > The command line), # or by uncommenting the line below and specifying it directly. #MacroTarget 'c:\MyProject\1crn' # Extension of the cell on each side of the protein in the surface plane (=XZ plane) # '15' means that the surface will be 30 A larger than the protein surfextension=15 # Extension of the cell on each side of the protein along the third (water) axis (=Y-axis) # '10' means that the cell will be 20 A higher than the solute and surface together waterextension=10 # Flag to use a square surface. This makes sure that also elongated proteins # on top of the metal surface can rotate freely during very long simulations. # If only a short simulation is planned, it can be speeded up by setting # the flag to 0, creating a rectangular surface that fits the solute more tightly. square=1 # Surface composition: available Elements are Al, Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au and Pb. surfelement='Au' # Number of monoatomic layers making up the metal surface surflayers=5 # pH at which the simulation should be run, by default physiological pH 7.4. ph=7.4 # The ion concentration as a mass fraction, here we use 0.9% NaCl (physiological solution) ions='Na,Cl,0.9' # Forcefield to use (this is a YASARA command, so no '=' used) ForceField AMBER14 # Simulation temperature, which also serves as the random number seed (see Temp command). # If you increase the temperature significantly by X%, you also need to reduce the timestep by X% # by changing the 'tslist' that matches your speed below. temperature='298K' # Pressure at which the simulation should be run [bar]. pressure=1 # Cutoff cutoff=8 # Delay for animations, 1=maximum speed delay=100 # The format used to save the trajectories: YASARA 'sim', GROMACS 'xtc' or AMBER 'mdcrd'. # If you don't pick 'sim', a single *.sim restart file will be saved too, since the other # two formats don't contain velocities, only positions. format='sim' # Duration of the complete simulation. # Alternatively use e.g. duration=5000 to simulate for 5000 picoseconds # 'if !count duration' simply checks if variable 'duration' as been defined previously (e.g. by an including macro) if !count duration duration='forever' # The simulation speed, either 'slow' (2*1 fs timestep), 'normal' (2*1.25 fs timestep) or # 'fast' (maximize performance with 2*2.5 fs timestep and constraints) # Do not use 'fast' if you simulate incorrect molecules (that would not be stable in reality) # 'if !count speed' simply checks if variable 'speed' as been defined previously (e.g. by an including macro) if !count speed speed='normal' # The save interval for snapshots. Normally you don't need more than 500-1000 snapshots # of your simulation, since that's the resolution limit of a typical figure in a journal. if speed=='fast' # Fast speed, save simulation snapshots every 250000 fs, i.e. 250 ps. saveinterval=250000 else # Slow or normal speed, save simulation snapshots every 100000 fs, i.e. 100 ps. saveinterval=100000 # Flag if the protein's surface attachment needs to be confirmed confirmneeded=1 # Normally no change required below this point # ============================================ RequireVersion 24.10.1 # Treat all simulation warnings as errors that stop the macro WarnIsError On # Metal surface simulations are always periodic Boundary periodic # Do we have a target? if MacroTarget=='' RaiseError "This macro requires a target. Either edit the macro file or click Options > Macro > Set target to choose a target structure" # When run as a macro in text mode, add configuration details to log file if runWithMacro and ConsoleMode Processors Clear Console off SimSteps 1,1 # Do we already have a scene with water? waterscene = FileSize (MacroTarget)_water.sce if waterscene LoadSce (MacroTarget)_water else # No scene with water present yet # Do we have a scene with either the protein on top of a metal surface or a user-supplied initial structure that should not be modified? scene = FileSize (MacroTarget).sce if scene # Yes, a scene is already present. Already with surface, or just the initial structure? LoadSce (MacroTarget) # Search for the surface c = CountObj Surface if c!=1 # No surface object, this must be a user-provided initial scene to prevent modifications like Clean/OptHyd, load later scene=0 if !scene # No surface scene present yet # Load the protein, assuming it's a SCE, PDB or YOB file for filetype in 'sce','yob','pdb' size = FileSize (MacroTarget).(filetype) if size break if !size RaiseError 'Initial structure not found, expected (MacroTarget).pdb or .yob. Make sure to create a project directory and place the structure there in PDB or YOB format' # Load structure Load(filetype) (MacroTarget) DelObj SimCell NameObj all,Solute cleaned=(filetype!='sce') # In case user accidentally provided a YOb file with selected atoms Unselect Style Ribbon,Stick ShowAtom fixed # Simple default orientation as a starting point for manual adjustment NiceOri if ConsoleMode and confirmneeded RaiseError "The protein orientation needs to be confirmed visually. Please start YASARA in graphics mode, then continue in text mode" if cleaned # Delete long peptide bonds that bridge gaps in the structure, which tells CleanAll to add ACE/NME # capping groups (the structure of the missing residues could also be predicted, see LoadPDB docs). DelBond N,C,LenMin=5 # Delete waters that are not involved in metal binding and not fixed, to help the calculation of binding energies DelRes !fixed Water with 0 arrows to all # Make sure that all hydrogens are present etc. and adapt protonation states to chosen pH CleanAll pH (ph) # pH command recreated water hydrogens, free them FreeAtom Element H if Structure # Optimize the hydrogen-bonding network (more stable trajectories) ShowMessage "Optimizing hydrogen bonding network..." Wait 1 OptHydAll HideMessage # Set cell Cell auto,Extension=0 size1,size2,size3=Cell if square # Make sure that X- and Z-axis have the same length and we get a square surface if size1>size3 size3=size1 else size1=size3 for i=1 to 3 step 2 size(i)=size(i)+surfextension*2 Cell (size) # Build surface and add it to the cell BuildSurface surfelement,surflayers,1 # Extend cell along water axis size1,size2,size3=Cell size2=size2+waterextension*2 Cell Y=(size2) # Let the solute fly in SwitchObj Solute,Off UserInput Off ZoomObj Simcell,Steps=(delay) Wait (delay) ShowMessage "Moving solute to suggested position..." solutelist()=ListObj Solute for i=1 to count solutelist posori(0000+i)()=PosOriObj (solutelist(i)) PosOriObj Solute,Y=-40,Z=-18,Alpha=60 SwitchObj Solute,On for i=1 to count solutelist AutoPosOriObj (solutelist(i)),(posori(0000+i)),Steps=(delay*2),Wait=No Wait (delay*2) if confirmneeded # Let the user tune the setup UserInput On HUD Obj ShowMessage "Move the solute and adjust the cell size to fine-tune the suggested setup. Click 'Continue' when done." Wait ContinueButton ShowMessage "Adjusting surface..." ZoomObj Simcell,Steps=(delay) Wait (delay) # User may have adjusted the cell size, rebuild and replace the surface pos()=PosObj Surface DelObj Surface BuildSurface surfelement,surflayers,0 PosObj Surface,(pos) HideMessage Wait 1 SaveSce (MacroTarget) # Solvate system with the surface # Set simulation parameters Cutoff (cutoff) Longrange Coulomb # Fill the cell with water, keep user-provided water fixed FixRes Water # Save pKa data in a file if MacroTarget is set pkacommand='Pass' if count MacroTarget and MacroTarget!="" pkacommand='pKaFile (MacroTarget)' Experiment Neutralization WaterDensity 0.998 pH (ph) (pkacommand) Ions (ions) Speed Fast Experiment On Wait ExpEnd StickRes Water # Save scene with water SaveSce (MacroTarget)_water HideMessage Wait 1 # Don't keep selected atoms, LoadXTC/LoadMDCRD would load only selected ones Unselect # Choose timestep and activate constraints if speed=='fast' # Fast simulation speed # Constrain bonds to hydrogens FixBond all,Element H # Constrain certain bond angles involving hydrogens FixHydAngle all # Choose a multiple timestep of 2*2.5 = 5 fs # For structures with severe errors, 2*2 = 4 fs is safer (tslist=2,2) tslist=2,2.5 else # Slow or normal simulation speed # Remove any constraints FreeBond all,all FreeAngle all,all,all if speed=='slow' # Choose a multiple timestep of 2*1.00 = 2.0 fs tslist=2,1.0 else # Choose a multiple timestep of 2*1.25 = 2.5 fs tslist=2,1.25 # With this timestep, atoms may get too fast in very rare circumstances (only # in a specific protein, only once every few nanoseconds). The command below # slows down atoms moving faster than 13000 m/s. Such a 'random collision' every # few nanoseconds has no more impact than the random number seed. You can comment # it out for most proteins, or use the smaller timestep with speed 'slow' above: Brake 13000 # During minimization update the pairlist every 10 steps SimSteps Screen=10,Pairlist=10 # Calculate total timestep, we want a float, so tslist2 is on the left side ts=tslist2*tslist1 # Snapshots are saved every 'savesteps' savesteps=saveinterval/ts # Set final simulation parameters TimeStep (tslist) Temp (temperature) Cutoff (cutoff) Longrange Coulomb # Make sure all atoms are free to move FreeAll # Alread a snapshot/trajectory present? i=00000 if format=='sim' trajectfilename='(MacroTarget)(i).sim' else trajectfilename='(MacroTarget).(format)' restartfilename='(MacroTarget).sim' running = FileSize (trajectfilename) if not running # Perform energy minimization Experiment Minimization Experiment On Wait ExpEnd # And now start the real simulation Sim On else # Simulation has been running before ShowMessage "Simulation has been running before, loading last snapshot..." # Switch console off to load the snapshots quickly Console Off if format=='sim' # Find and load the last SIM snapshot do i=i+1 found = FileSize (MacroTarget)(i).sim while found i=i-1 LoadSim (MacroTarget)(i) # Adjust savesteps to save snapshots in the same interval as previously if i>0 t = Time savesteps=0+t/(ts*i) else # Do we have a restart file with atom velocities? found = FileSize (restartfilename) if found # Yes. First determine the savesteps if possible by loading the 2nd XTC/MDCrd snapshot last,t = Load(format) (trajectfilename),1 if !last last,t = Load(format) (trajectfilename),2 savesteps=0+t/ts # Then load the restart file LoadSim (restartfilename) else # No restart file found, load the last snapshot in the XTC/MDCrd trajectory do i=i+1 last,t = Load(format) (trajectfilename),(i) ShowMessage 'Searching (format) trajectory for last snapshot, showing snapshot (i) at (0+t) fs' Sim Pause Wait 1 while !last savesteps=0+t/(ts*(i-1)) Sim Continue HideMessage # Set temperature and pressure control TempCtrl Rescale PressureCtrl Manometer2D,Pressure=(pressure) # Now the simulation is running, here you can make changes to the force field # Uncomment to fix certain atoms in space # FixAtom Backbone Mol B # Uncomment to add distance constraints # AddSpring O Res Lys 80,H Res Glu 84,Len=1.9 # Uncomment to modify charges, e.g. let Trp 12 in Mol A lose an electron: # ChargeRes Trp 12 Mol A,+1 # And finally, make sure that future snapshots are saved Save(format) (trajectfilename),(savesteps) if format!='sim' # We save an XTC/MDCrd trajectory plus a single Sim restart file SaveSim (restartfilename),(savesteps),Number=no # Keep the protein from diffusing around and crossing periodic boundaries CorrectDrift on # Update the pairlist every 10 (CPU) or 25 (GPU) steps _,_,gpu = Processors if gpu SimSteps Screen=25,Pairlist=25 else SimSteps Screen=10,Pairlist=10 if duration=='forever' Console On if ConsoleMode # In the console, we need to wait forever to avoid a prompt for user input Wait forever else Console Off measurements=0 # Wait for given number of picoseconds do # Tabulate properties you want to monitor during the simulation, # e.g. the speeds and velocity vectors of atoms 4, 5 and 7: #Tabulate SpeedAtom 4 5 7 # Or apply a pulling force, in this example downwards #AccelRes GLI 1027,Y=-10000 if ConsoleMode # In console model, display the ns/day Console On # Wait for one screen update Wait 1 measurements=measurements+1 t = Time while t<1000.*duration+1 # Did we create a table with measurements? vallist() = Tab Default if count vallist # Yes, save the table SaveTab default,(MacroTarget)_duringsim,Format=Text,Columns=(count vallist/measurements),Header='Insert your own header here' Sim Off # Exit YASARA if this macro was provided as command line argument in console mode and not included from another macro if runWithMacro and ConsoleMode and !IndentationLevel Exit # BUILD SURFACE # ============= # Build face-centered mono'element' crystal with monoatomic 'layers', # 'placed' at the bottom of the current cell. def BuildSurface element,layers,placed # Available elements and their optimized VdW radii elementlist='Al','Ni','Cu','Pd','Ag','Pt','Au','Pb' radiuslist=1.4625,1.2760,1.3080,1.4095,1.4775,1.4225,1.4755,1.7825 radius=0 for i=1 to count elementlist # Get radius of selected element if element==elementlist(i) radius=radiuslist(i) break if !radius RaiseError '(element) is not one of the available surface composition elements (elementlist). Please adapt the `surfelement` variable at the beginning of the macro' size1,size2,size3=Cell # Side lenght of crystal unit cube unitlen=sqrt 8*radius # Determine if we have an odd number of layers odd=layers%2 # Get number of atoms in each dimension for i=1 to 3 step 2 gridlen(i)=0+size(i)/unitlen gridlen2=(layers+odd)/2 # Build the face-centered crystal from four primitive cubic grids for i=1 to 2 grid(i)=BuildGrid (element),(gridlen),(unitlen) MoveAtom Obj (grid2),(unitlen/2),0,(unitlen/2) if layers>1 for i=3 to 4 grid(i)=BuildGrid (element),(gridlen1),(gridlen2-odd),(gridlen3),(unitlen) if odd MoveAtom Obj (grid3) (grid4),0,(-unitlen/2) MoveAtom Obj (grid3),(unitlen/2),(unitlen/2) MoveAtom Obj (grid4),0,(unitlen/2),(unitlen/2) JoinObj (grid3) (grid4),(grid2) # Join grids and rename NameObj (grid1),Surface JoinObj (grid2),Surface # Rename residues and atoms to get correct force field parameters SplitAtom Obj Surface NumberRes Obj Surface JoinMol Obj Surface NameRes Obj Surface,(element)0 NameAtom Element Au,Au # Adjust cell size Cell X=(unitlen*(gridlen1)),Z=(unitlen*(gridlen3)) if placed # Put surface at the bottom of the cell and extend the cell Cell (unitlen*(gridlen1)),(size2+unitlen*layers/2),(unitlen*(gridlen3)) pos()=PosObj SimCell PosObj Surface,(pos) MoveObj SimCell Surface,Y=(-unitlen*layers/4) MoveObj Surface,Y=(-size2/2)