Contact and support

(If you are just looking for more information about us, click here.)
Report a problem or inconvenience and get it fixed
If you encountered a problem, bug or inconvenience that annoys you, please report it here and receive an update plus up to 20 € / 23 $ for your help.
Pay an invoice with credit card or PayPal
Especially inside the European Union please transfer your payment to our bank account shown on the invoice. Click here if you can only pay by credit card or PayPal.
Contribute movies, plugins, macros or other source code
If you want to share your developments with other users, click here to submit them to the YASARA Repository. Of course you will be paid for your contribution, the maximum amount being equal to a life-long YASARA license (for exceptional contributions).
Upgrade your license
If you want to upgrade to a group leader license or a higher YASARA stage, please click here.
Administrate your group leader license
As a group leader, you can configure a second YASARA account for support.
Request a copy of your personal data
If there is anything you want to know or check about your YASARA license & account, click here to request a copy of all the information we have stored in our database.
Change your email address
Most of the contact options require that you enter the same email address as during your initial registration. Click here to change this address.
Request a new feature
If you are missing an essential feature, please notify us. Especially if the absence of the feature makes you reconsider using YASARA in the future.
Make personal contact
If none of the options above fit your request, click here to contact us directly.