YASARA License Fees
The YASARA license combines the best of 'open' and 'closed source' worlds: charging for YASARA allows us to provide you with the fast and effective support required in a production environment and to ensure further developments. Making YASARA 'open source' and charging for support only is not an option, because this creates an evolutionary pressure towards a program that requires a lot of support - which is against your interests. However, all YASARA add-ons (plugins, macros, movies) are licensed under the GNU GPL, so that you can freely share your work with others.
Operating systems: A YASARA license generally covers all operating systems: Linux, MacOS, Windows and Android(Intel), so you do not have to purchase YASARA multiple times. Only for MacOS, a 20% extra charge may apply.
Multiuser licenses: if you want to install YASARA on your PC, on your notebook, and on your cluster/cloud, that is fine as long as you are the only one to use it. If YASARA is used on more than one PC and by more than one person, you need to purchase a multiuser license. There are three options:
- Group leader license: this license costs twice the amount of a single license and allows to install YASARA on an unlimited number of computers belonging to one research group at a single location (use while traveling or at home is of course possible). Installation on a cluster/cloud is also fine (if only your group has access). Two email addresses can be registered for downloads and support: one for the group leader and one for the other group members. To help with SARS-CoV-2-induced remote learning, group leader licenses that have an active update- and support subscription now also include a student license for free so that all students can work at home.
- Multiple licenses: buying multiple licenses for N users allows you to register N different email addresses for downloads and support. Use this license if several independent scientists in one university or company want to work with YASARA. Only the first master license comes with USB stick and booklet, the others are for download only, unless you purchase an extra USB stick+booklet for 20 € / 23 $. After the initial purchase, each license is treated independently.
- Multiple group leader licenses: if multiple research groups in one university or company want to use YASARA (possibly at different locations), this is the license of choice. With N group leader licenses, you can register 2*N email addresses for downloads and support. Only the first master license comes with USB stick and booklet, the others are for download only, unless you purchase an extra USB stick+booklet for 20 € / 23 $. After the initial purchase, each group leader license is treated independently.
- Unlimited licenses: for all research groups at a university or pharmaceutical company, possibly at different geographic locations, with discounted update and support extensions. Please contact us for details.
Academic and commercial licenses: the price of the academic license is heavily subsidized to promote free and open research at academic institutions. If you want to carry out research with commercial interests, you need a commercial license. This includes academic institutions engaged in patent applications and extensive collaborations with pharmaceutical companies.
Web server licenses: if you want to install YASARA as part of a web server so that it can be used freely by everyone, please contact us for license details.
Update and support renewal: When you purchase a YASARA license, you can choose how many years of updates and support you want to include. If you decide not to extend after this initial period, you lose access to updates and support. Academic and perpetual commercial YASARA licenses will continue to work as usual after the support ended (if you downloaded an update after your payment arrived), normal commercial licenses will slow down and show a permanent splash screen. However, you will still be able to use all the functions (e.g. to access data stored in a YASARA specific format and convert it). Please contact us for more details on perpetual commercial licenses. If you do not renew, but want to have YASARA support and updates again some time later, you need to buy a new license (but you get at least a 25% discount if you tell us).
License changes: You can increase your YASARA license at any time (e.g. from YASARA Dynamics to YASARA Structure, from single user to group leader etc.). You will be charged with the price difference, but the elapsed time of your license will be taken into account. Request an upgrade here.
Renewal price guarantee: we guarantee that the annual cost of your first update and support renewal will be ≤37.5% of the initial cost in the first year. If you purchase an update and support period longer than one year with your initial order, each additional year costs only 27.5% of the first year.
Student discounts: If you are a student and your department cannot buy YASARA for you (i.e. you pay with your private money) then we offer special discounts for your first study: 50% for high-school, bachelor and master students, and 25% for PhD students. Instead of a normal invoice you will only get an invoice number to specify in your payment. No other discounts can be added to this offer. If you are living inside the European Union, such private orders unfortunately require to add 20% VAT, which reduces the discounts to 40% (master) and 10% (PhD).
Shipping: is free of charge.
License Fee Calculator
License fee formula: the calculator above uses the following formula to obtain the total cost of YASARA from the number of licenses N. For group leader licenses, 'GroupLeaderLicense' is 1, and 0 otherwise: