Contribute movies, macros, plugins or source code

If you developed an exciting movie, helpful macro or snaky Python plugin, we strongly encourage you to submit it to the YASARA repository. Of course you keep the full copyright of your development, nevertheless you get bonus credits for your next YASARA update and support extension as a thank-you for your help.

If you developed a smart algorithm in the field of molecular modeling and want to make it easily available to others as part of YASARA, your maximum reward is a life-long YASARA license. A reference to your work will be added to the page with citation instructions to make sure that everyone using your work cites it properly. Just enter a description below, but do not upload any files yet. We will get back to you.

Make a contribution

Type of your work:
Description of your work:
ZIP file with your contribution:
Even if your contribution consists of just one macro file, please ZIP it.
The email address must be the same as in your initial YASARA registration.
Click here to change it.